Did you know that wellness skills are learnable?
With practice, you can turn them into an effortless habit, making your body & mind strong and vigorous.

Meet Sara, who is our brand Ambassador and a Precision & Flow certified yoga teacher. She is also a professional contemporary dancer. She will guide you through some simple day-by-day steps towards self-care and well-being. Let's embark on this exciting #selfactivism journey together.
Below you can find an easy to follow one tip a day.
Feel inspired and try to incorporate it into your daily routine.
Take it easy.
Take a moment to listen to your body and honestly ask yourself how you feel. Try to do the same observing the state of your mind and whenever you notice "bad thoughts" arising try to simply let them go without following them.
Movement day! Go for a walk, take a Yoga class, dance freely in your living room or simply do something physically that you like.
Cultivate a sense of gratitude for everything you have. Observe the beauty around you, in nature or in people. If you find it useful, keeping a grateful journal is something you can do.
Before you sleep, take a nice moment off-screen: reading a book, moving your body softly (gentle twist or hip openers position on the bed), and observing how you breathe.
Try to set an intention for your day, weekend or week ahead.
Could be something either very simple or very profound, the important thing is that it is authentic to you.
Take a moment to collect good memories about what you did or felt during the week or day.
Take care,
The KOOZY Team